Disney Crossy Road
How to unlock ALL DISNEY CROSSY ROAD Secret Characters
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July 16, 2018
Haunted Mansion – Disney Crossy Road – Secret Characters
Haunted Mansion Secret Characters
#1 Gus – „Spooky Spirits“ Set
Character guesses: Prof. Phineas Plum, Madame Leota, Executioner (Haunted Mansion)
#2 Ezra Beane – Action Unlock! Play as Prof. Phineas Plump and run away from Armor (enemy with a spear running towards you) 25 times to unlock Ezra Beane.
#3 Horn Player – Action Unlock!
Play as Hook Hand (Tangled) and play the piano 10 times. You will find pianos during playing. Place yourself in front of the piano to play it. After you died you will unlock Horn Player
#4 The Cat Lady – „Leading Ladies“ Set
Character guesses: Judy Hopps (Zootopia), Rapunzel (Tangled), Joy (Inside Out), Blue Dress Minnie (Mickey Mouse) and more.
Unconfirmed. Tell us in the comments what worked for you.
#5 Doom Buggy – Daily Missions
This character can be unlocked by collecting 6 daily mission stamps.
#6 Medusa – Daily Missions
This character can be unlocked by collecting 6 daily mission stamps.
#7 Narrator – Action Unlock!
Play as Sally Slater (Haunted Mention) and hop 100 times.
Added in the Monsters INC update.
NEW #8 Bagpipe Player – Action Unlock!
Unlock the Bagpipe Player by playing the Horn Player and score over 150 points. When you die the Bagpipe Player will be unlocked.
NEW #9 Harp Player– Action Unlock!
Unlock the Harp Player by playing the Bagpipe Player and score over 150 points. When you die the Harp Player will be unlocked.
NEW #10 The Drummer – Action Unlock!
Unlock the Drummer by playing the Harp Player and score over 150 points. When you die the Drummer will be unlocked.

The Lion King – Disney Crossy Road – Secret Characters
The Lion King Secret Characters
#1 Adult Nala – Action Unlock!
Play as any character from the new Jungle Book movie. If you get struck by lightning twice you unlock Adult Nala after the the game is over.
#2 Mufasa – Action Unlock!
Play as Simba and spent at least 12 seconds near stampedes to unlock Mufasa. You have to spend as much time as possible right on the ground where the wildebeests (gnus) run. Hide behind a rock to not get run over.
#3 Hippo – „Humble Beginnings“ Set
Characters: Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Zazu (Lion King) – This resembles the calm and peaceful beginning of the beginning of the Lion King movie.
#4 Giraffe – „Big and Tall Characters“ Set
Character Guesses: Jerry Jumbeaux Jr ., Willy the Giant (Zootopia), Executiner, Wreck it Ralph and more.
Unconfirmed. Let us know in the comments what worked for you!
#5 Scar – Action Unlock!
To unlock the Lion King secret character Scar, you have to get Mufasa first (by playing Simba and survive more than 12 seconds on the Gnu Stampede). Now you have to play Mufasa get back to the Gnu Stampede and get hit by a Gnu. This resembles the „Long live the king“ scene, in which the villain Scar killed Mufasa. This will unlock Scare, who is the evil uncle of Simba and brother of Mufasa.
#6 Ed the Hyena – Daily Missions
This character can be unlocked by collecting 6 daily mission stamps.
#7 Blue Beetle – Action Unlock!
Play as Pumba (The Lion King) and collect 50 grubs.
Added in the Monsters INC update.
#8 The Rhino – Action Unlock!
Play as Bailey and collect 20 Fish Food. When you die, The Rhino will be unlocked.
NEW #9 Flower Mane – Action Unlock!
Play as Simba and find the Flower Mane. Once you die, the character will be unlocked!

Tangled – Disney Crossy Road – Secret Characters
Tangled Secret Characters
#1 Rapunzel Braided – „Tangled Heroes“ Set
Characters in the Set: Rapunzel, Pascal, Flynn Rider, Maximus and Vlad (Tangled)
#2 Mother Gothel – „Feels Good To Be Bad“ Set
Character guesses: The Prospector (Toy Story), King Candy (Wreck-It Ralph), Pete and more.
Unconfirmed. Let us know in the comments what worked for you!
#3 Warthog – Collect Cupcakes Unlock!
Collect 50 Cupcakes with Attila (Tangled) to unlock Warthog.
#4 Captain of the Guard – Collect Apples Unlock!
Collect 50 Apples with Maximus (Tangled) to unlock Captain of the Guard.
#5 The King – „Honorable Men“ Set
Character guesses: Honest and honorable characters like Mayor Lionheart (Zootopia), Felix (Wreck-it Ralph), Adult Simba (The Lion King) and many more.
Unconfirmed. Let us know in the comments what worked for you!
NEW #6 Queen – Action Unlock!
Play as The Emporer Zurg (Toy Story) and find the Queen.
Added in the Monsters INC update.
NEW #7 Lantern – Action Unlock!
Play as one of the Haunted Mansion characters and light 30 candles.
Added in the Monsters INC update.

Big Hero 6 – Disney Crossy Road – Secret Characters
Big Hero 6 Secret Characters
#1 Fred – „Best Friends“ Set
Character in the Set: Hiro Hamada, Baymax, Go Go Tomago, Wasabi, and Honey Lemon
#2 Fred Super Suit – „Suited Up“ Set
Character in the Set: Hiro Super Suit, Go Go Super Suit, Wasabi Super Suit, and Honey Lemon Super Suit
#3 Alistair Krei – „Top Dogs“ Set
Character guesses: Characters in a position with authority, like the King (Tangled) Felix, etc…
Unconfirmed. Let us know in the comments what worked for you!
#4 Yokai – Daily Missions
This character can be unlocked by collecting 6 daily mission stamps.
#5 Fred’s Dad – Action Unlock!
Play as Fred (Big Hero 6) and hop 250 times (to score 250!) within a single run.
#6 Tadashi – Daily Missions
This character can be unlocked by collecting 6 daily mission stamps.
#7 Yama – Action Unlock!
Play as Hiro Hamada (Big Hero 6) and hop 50 times within 15 seconds.
#8 Callaghan – Action Unlock!
To unlock Robert Callaghan, you play as Alistair Krei (secret character) and find him. He can appear multiple times throughout a game.
#9 Cass – Action Unlock!
Play as Hiro Hamada. When you find her in the game and die she will be unlocked.
#10 Heathcliff – Action Unlock!
Play as Fred Supersuit (Big Hero 6) and find the character Heathcliff.
Added in the Monsters INC update.
NEW #11 Abigail Callaghan – Action Unlock!
Play as Hiro Super Suit and find Abigail Callaghan.

Pixar Inside Out – Disney Crossy Road – Secret Characters
Pixar Inside Out Secret Characters
#1 Fritz – „Feeling Emotional“ Set
Character in the Set: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust
#2 Bobby – „Brain Maintenance“ Set
Character in the Set: Fritz, Brain Worker, Dave, Paula, Bing Bong…
#3 Abstract Joy – Action Unlock!
Play as Abstract Bing Bong (secret character) and find the star Abstract Joy in the game. Once you found him die and you will unlock him.
#4 Abstract Sadness – Action Unlock!
Play as Abstract Bing Bong (secret character) and place yourself next to Abstract Sadness when you find her in game. Once you die, you will unlock Abstract Sadness.
#5 Abstract Bing Bong- Action Unlock!
Play as Bing Bong until you see a special grey door with a exclamation mark on it. Once you die you will unlock Abstract Bing Bong.
#6 Jangles – Daily Missions
This character can be unlocked by collecting 6 daily mission stamps.
#7 Frank – Action Unlock!
Play as Dave and find Bing Bong in the game. Once you caught him he is arrested and you will unlock Dave’s buddy Frank.
#8 Brazilian Helicopter Pilot – Action Unlock!
Play as Sadness. When you find him in the game and die he will be unlocked.

Wreck-it Ralph – Disney Crossy Road – Secret Characters
Wreck-It Ralph Secret Characters
#1 Don – „Short and Stout“ Set
Character guesses: Small and fat characters, like Grub (Lion King), Pascal, Mr. Big, Spider and others.
Unconfirmed. Let us know in the comments what worked for you!
#2 Deanna – „Citizens of Niceland“ Set
Character in the Set: Ralph, Felix, Gene, and Mary
#3 Rancis Fluggerbutter – „Citizens of Sugar Rush“ Set
Character in the Set: Vanellope, King Candy, Taffyta Muttonfudge, and Candlehead
#4 Gloyd Orangeboa – Action Unlock!
Play as Rancis Fluggerbutter (secret character) and get a score of at least 1500 to unlock Gloyd Orangeboa.
#5 Sour Bill – Daily Missions
This character can be unlocked by collecting 6 daily mission stamps.
#6 Candy Corn – Collect PowerUp Unlock!
Play as Ralph, Princess Vanellope (and maybe other Wreck-it Ralph characters) and collect 50 PowerUp Cherries to unlock the secret character Candy Corn.
#7 Roy – Daily Missions
This character can be unlocked by collecting 6 daily mission stamps.
#8 Snowanna – Action Unlock!
Play as Taffity Muttonfudge (Wreck-it Ralph) and get a score of at least 1500 to unlock Snowanna.
#9 Crumbelina – Action Unlock!
Play as Candlehead (Wreck-it Ralph) and get a score of at least 1500 to unlock Crumbling.
#10 Jubileena – Action Unlock!
Play as Gloyd Orangeboar and score 1500 points within 35 seconds. Once you do this and die you will unlock Jubileena.
#11 Adorabeezle Winterpop – Action Unlock!
Play as Crumblina and score 1500 points within 35 seconds. Once you do this and die you will unlock Adorabeezle Winterpop.
NEW #9 Wedding Tuxedo Felix – Action Unlock!
Unlock Wedding Dress Calhoun from Daily Challenges and find Wedding Tuxedo Felix in the game.